The worst thing in life looking at someone you knew killing himself

10 months ago

You are there and you can’t stop it, it is in front of your eyes dying slowly and you can’t do nothing about it, you wished to go to parks and travel togheter with his kid but the Universe/God/Mohammed or whatever we want to call it got different plans, the kid is gone, the wife is gone and all is left a human being unable to stand up and slowly killing himself, you are there looking unable to do anything cause you can’t save who doesn’t or can’t save himself, you look at this illusion we call life trying to find the switch off button but there is no where to be found and you standing there seeing a person that you call brother but that in reality just a stranger that lived with you for a while destroying his life and all you are doing is to wait the moment that the police or maybe the hospital will call you asking if you know the dead body.

At the end to pay the price will be who is left behind …….. a daughter.

Now repeat with me ……..

You can control your emotions, you can control how you react to it, you can control your feelings and remember that all you have is this present moment, regarding what is happening don’t waste it and raise your inner energy.

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