Is INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Looking After Adults and Children at Home with Tracheostomies?

11 months ago

Is INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Looking After Adults and Children at Home with Tracheostomies?

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from, where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies. And where we also provide tailor-made solutions for non-invasively ventilated adults and children, for example, when they’re on BiPAP or on CPAP. We also provide 24-hour intensive home care nursing for clients with a tracheostomy that are not ventilated. And we also provide home TPN, which is also known as IV or intravenous nutrition.

Now, a question that we get quite frequently which I want to hone in today, is do you do tracheostomy care without ventilation? There are people in ICU that are not ventilated but have a tracheostomy. And, do we do that as well? Do we look after adults and children with tracheostomies that are not ventilated as well? Yes, of course we do. That’s bread and butter for us.

And then some people ask, well, but if they’re not ventilated, do they still need an ICU nurse? Well, that’s a great question to ask. And the answer is yes, of course they do.

So when someone has a tracheostomy that’s an artificial airway. And an artificial airway, all sorts of things can go wrong. They can get blocked. They need daily maintenance, like dressings need to be changed. They often have inner cannulas. Inner cannulas, need to be changed regularly. Patients with tracheostomies often need nebulization multiple times a day.


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