1 year ago

During sedimentation, solid particles and organic matter settle down due to gravity, while coagulation involves adding a chemical coagulant to the water to bind the small particles into bigger ones that can be removed easily. In filtration, the water is passed through different materials like sand, gravel, and charcoal to remove any remaining particles and impurities.

Disinfection of water kills any harmful pathogens and microorganisms present in the water. Chlorination is a common method used for disinfection, but alternative methods like UV radiation can also be used. pH correction is done to adjust the pH level of the water to ensure it is safe for drinking.

After all the stages of the treatment process, the water is ready for consumption and is fit for human consumption. The treated water can be used for irrigation, industrial processes, as well as for drinking purposes.

Overall, treating wastewater into drinking water not only helps with the global water crisis but also ensures that we have a safe and reliable source of drinking water.

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