Mr. M History: The CIA-Royal Conspiracy to take down Gough Whitlam

1 year ago

In this video, Mr. Mitchell walks you through the evidence behind the CIA and Royal Family being responsible for the dismissal of Australia's 21st prime minister, Gough Whitlam. On November the 11th, 1975, Australia's governor general, John Kerr made the decision to controversially fire Whitlam, however it didn't take long for word to spread that Kerr didn't come to this decision by himself.

CIA workers have since come out and made allegations that Kerr was in the pockets of the CIA and that Whitlam had put them too far offside. Not to mention that Jimmy Carter's deputy secretary of state had a shocking meeting with Whitlam afterwards in Sydney Airport. The CIA-connected Nugan Hand Bank also appeared to play a huge role in the 1975 election.

In 2020, letters between Kerr and the Queen's personal secretary, Martin Charteris also emerged exposing the role of Prince Charles both before and after the dimissal

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