Is the 2023 Wildfire Season A Climate Change Religion Fraud? Checking the Fact-Checkers...

1 year ago

Remember when they were all called 'Forest Fires'? Now every thing is out of control, and that serves the climate disaster doctrine. Global News Canada actually claims that the 2016 Fort McMurray "wildfire" began May 1, 2016 and DID NOT END until Aug 2, 2017!!!
We couldn't believe it either, but here's the link:
Apparently until absolutely zero trace of fire can be confirmed in an area, then every forest fire is a "wildfire" and considered "out of control".

Will 2023 be the worst fire season ever? Too early to say, but...
We already have some unprecedented satellite footage, some very questionable fact-checking, and some outrageous accounts from New Yorkers who were "warned" in advance.


#Forestfires #Wildfires #LaserWeapons #ClimateChangeReligion #BristolClimateChoir
#MainstreamMediaIsTheEnemyOfThePeople #WeAreTheNewsNow #NoMoreMandates #depopulation #SatanicElites #climatechange #WEF #UN #worldeconomicforum #klausschwab #omicron #omicronvariant #deltacron #taxtheunvaxxed #DeepState #Darpa #luciferase #USA #protests #communism #socialism #globalism #boosters #conspiracytheory #conspiracytheories #Truth #Freedom #mandates #vaccinemandate #vaccinemandates #billgates #billgatesofhell #billgatesisnotadoctor #billgatesisnotyourfriend #billgatesisacriminal #billgatesAntichrist #billgatesistheBEAST #melindagates #WHO #WorldHealthOrganization #vaccines #depopulation #vaccinesideeffects #fauci #drfauci #cardinalfauci #FauciLiedPeopleDied #WuhanFlu #ChinaVirus #China #covid19 #vaccinepassports #DontGetChipped #bloodclots #bloodclotvaccine #COVID19 #covid1984 #coronavirus #pandemic #Plandemic #CoronaHoax #CoronaHoax #vaccines #Pfizer #moderna #astrazeneca #secondwave #thirdwave #variants #cyborgs #5G #AI #ChristConciousness #event201 #agenda2030 #NWO #NewWorldOrder #PrisonPlanet #paranormal #metaphysical #aliens #UFOs #UFOsAreReal #vaccine #vaccines #vaccinedeaths #VAERS #covidvaccine #RNAvaccine #DNAvaccine #GrapheneOxide #transhumanism #magnetic #magneticaftervaccine #5gcovid #5gcovid19 #5Gcoronavirus #jab #gethtejab #dontgetthejab #selfspreading #selfspreadingvaccine #plague #spikeproteins #magnetized #magnetizednanoparticles #nanoparticles #nanotechnology #nanobots #prions #alienprogramming #electromagnetic #radiation #WWG1WGA #bloodlines #bloodclots #bloodclotvaccine #COVID19 #covid1984 #coronavirus #pandemic #Plandemic #CoronaHoax #CoronaHoax #vaccines #Pfizer #moderna #astrazeneca #secondwave #thirdwave #variants #cyborgs #5G #event201 #2030agenda #NWO #NewWorldOrder #ivermectin #hydroxychloroquine #zinc #vitamins #health #cases #lockdowns #boosters #apocalypse #revelations #endtimes #judgementday #finalhour #worldwarthree #silentweaponsforquietwars #antifa #soros #GeorgeSoros #AlexSoros #ElonMusk #KlausSchwab

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