Nicole: The CCP’s infiltration is so deeply embedded in America

1 year ago

07/05/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: The CCP’s economical warfare is not just on the trade deficit. The CCP controlled companies actually owned the majority interest of about 2400 US companies. And the New York Stock Exchange listed 277 CCP controlled companies, then the US auditors found major discrepancies,100% of the CCP’s companies in the US capital market. The CCP’s infiltration in this country has been so deeply embedded, it will take really drastic solutions to root them out and to save America.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/05/2023 妮可参加《温图森中国观察》节目:中共的经济战不仅仅体现在贸易逆差方面。中共控制的公司实际拥有2400家美国公司的大部分股权。纽交所允许277中国公司上市,然后美国审计人员发现所有在美上市的中国公司都存在重大差异。中共对美国的渗透如此之深,需要采取坚决的措施清除它们,拯救美国。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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