Nicole: Taiwan issue poses a direct threat to America’s own national security

1 year ago

07/05/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: Taiwan is Silicon Valley Number Two. Taiwan is critical for the US chip manufacturing. And they can also be a great alternative to the CCP country when it comes to the supply chain movement, because eventually, the US should remove many critical supply chains out of the CCP to other countries. If America stops supporting Taiwan, Taiwan will be taken over by the CCP. So this fight for Taiwan's freedom is crucial for America's own interest.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
07/05/2023 妮可参加《温图森中国观察》节目:台湾是“硅谷第二”,台湾对于美国的芯片制造很关键。而且,谈到供应链转移时,台湾也可以成为替代中共国的一个很好的替代方案,因为,最终美国需要将很多关键的供应链转移出中共国到其它国家。如果美国停止支持台湾,那么台湾就会被中共拿下。因此,为台湾争取自由的战斗对美国自身的利益很关键。
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