Interview with Zen Honeycutt: Healthy Communities, Healthy Food – Makes Uncommon Common Sense

1 year ago

“Why should corporations pay taxes, when they can simply pay the legislators directly and eliminate the middle man?”
-- Swami Beyondananda

In case you haven’t noticed, there has been a key missing element in government of, by, and for the people – the PEOPLE!

So … it’s up to the people on the outside to stir and move those on the inside.

Zen Honeycutt, our guest on Front and Center this week, is one of those “inciteful outsiders”. Her organization Moms Across America, has led a highly-successful campaign to educate moms – and everyone else – about organic, GMO-free food. Her journey began when her own children developed food allergies, and even autism symptoms. She started educating herself – “a worried mom does more research than the FBI” she says – and when she switched her children’s diets to organic non-GMO foods, their health conditions cleared up.

The next thing she noticed is how many other parents were having the same issues show up in their kids. After educating herself about GMOs, and glyphosate (the major ingredient in Round-Up), she began to educate and enroll others. Launching in February 2013, Moms Across America scaled to reaching 300,000 people a week on Facebook. “Moms buy 85% of the food and make 90% of the buying choices in America,” she said.

“Legislators and government officials are more scared of moms than any other group of voters,” says Zen. “That’s because moms are passionate, dedicated … and unstoppable when it comes to safeguarding the wellbeing of their children.”

In fact, Zen has authored a book about her campaign called … Unstoppable.

If you’ve wondered how it is that the USA spends more on “health care” per capita than any other country in the world, yet ranks next to the bottom in “industrial nations” in healthy outcomes, maybe it’s the “unhealthy incomes” of those who provide us with industrialized food. Chalk it up to a “regulatory system” controlled by the industries they are supposedly regulating. Oh, and here is the elephant and donkey in the living room – BOTH major political parties are indebted to corporate interests who instead of paying their way, are paying to have their own way.

She isn’t waiting for the system to change. Moms Across America launched a campaign called Toxin-Free Town campaign, and more than 100,000 people have downloaded their document offering ten alternatives to Round Up, so we can get it out of streets, parks, and playgrounds – not to mention our food. 280 million pounds of this toxic chemical are used each year in agriculture, 20 million pounds in other public places.

What makes this conversation even more interesting is that our very own Michael Maxsenti is working with the California Common Sense Party in alliance with the national Forward Party to lift us beyond the two-party divide to work together. And Michael brings up an interesting point – wouldn’t it be common sense to have a national party move past the identity issues that keep us separate and focus on the “identical” issues we all face, like clean and healthy food?

Join us for this lively conversation and find out how YOU can join the upwising – to bring us clean and healthy food, and clean and healthy government.

Find out more about Zen Honeycutt and Moms Across America here:

You can offer financial support here at out Locals channel:

California Common Sense Party

Forward Party

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