The Wise & Foolish Virgins and the Coming of the Bridegroom - Part 2! REBROADCAST

1 year ago

Happy Independence Day! Today’s episode is Part 2 of “The Coming of the Bridegroom,” my very first teaching series from "Tuesdays with Tina" recorded in November 2021. In this teaching I share the parable of the ten virgins from Matthew 25:1-13. We’ll dig in verse-by-verse to uncover what the “oil” is, how we get it, and—ultimately—what we truly need to be prepared for the coming of the bridegroom.

The episode wraps up today with my song, Healing Oil. I welcome you to check out more songs from this CD and others on my music page.

Lastly, I encourage you: get your own oil—that oil of intimacy with Jesus. May your lamps be full so that when Jesus comes back for his bride you are ready to enter into the wedding banquet!

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