Can we please stop with all the trends in Carnivore!?

1 year ago

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Ya'll I am all in on Carnivore, you know that...but why does carnivore have to get so complicated? I get so confused and frustrated with all these trends that come and go. I see the huge drastic swings people take looking for some kind of quick fix...when what they really need to is to focus on consistency and fixing their relationship with food.

Ask yourself though as you are getting sucked into these trends if what you really need is just some consistency. And what is this new extreme supposed to do for you? What was the intended purpose in the first place? I tried to share a lot of context and nuance in this video, hopefully it comes across like I intended.

To follow along with my daily life come find me on Instagram: @lauraespath

#carnivore #carnivorediet #ketovore #worldcarnivoremonth #keto #ketovore #weightloss

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