Prophetic Warning, Wake Up

1 year ago

6/29/2023 11pm

Wake up, wake up, wake up. Hear me and hear me well. The enemy is on the move. He seeks to bring destruction. Abide in me, seek me, hear me,walk in my ways, says the Lord. look to me in this hour, says the Lord. Many continue to look to man and are confused in man's ways, as man continues to move in all directions. I do not change, seek me, hear me, and abide in me, says the Lord. For the enemy is on the move seeking to bring destruction. Many are asleep, many do not hear, many choose to close their eyes, many do not look to me, says the Lord. Many are seeking man for answers and are confused. I say again, the enemy seeks to bring destruction. Look to me in this hour, read my word, seek me and I will give you instruction and when you obey, I will keep you.

Stop seeking man, I say again, stop seeking man for there is much confusion. I say again the enemy seeks to bring destruction. Wake up, wake up, hear me and hear me well. The enemy is on the move, while there is much distractions, do not listen to him or fall for his schemes for they are obvious and evil, they lead you away from me, says the Lord. Many, I say many are in Idolatry, wake up, wake up, open your eyes, for my word does not lead you away from me, but brings you to me, says the Lord. My word does not bring confusion, it brings you to me, says the Lord.

The enemy seeks to bring destruction, he has already brought confusion and fear. Speak my word, stand on my word, trust in me, says the Lord. For I will show you the way, I will lead you, I will keep you and provide for you, says the Lord. Remove yourself from self seeking men, remove yourself from Idolatry. Hear me and hear me well, darkness is coming, but My word is Greater, My Glory is Greater, do not fear, abide in me, seek me, and I will keep you, says the Lord. For I will move for my people who call upon my name. I am not moved by what I see, but I warn my people who will hear and obey me.

My people need to wake up and get under my covering, for it is your choice, to choose who will you serve. Will you get under my covering, obey my word, seek and hear me says the Lord. Or will you continue to listen and worship men and the lies of the enemy. I love you says the Lord and the enemy hates you and wants to destroy you. There is much confusion, idolatry and silence from my people. Obey my word, speak my word, stand on my word, trust me says the Lord. Look to me in this hour, for I will guide you, as you will need to obey My Holy Spirit in this time to keep you from deception. My word will keep you, only if you obey it. Know my word in this hour, for there is much deception. If you do not see it in my word, it is not from Me, says the Lord. If it leads you away from me, it is not I speaking, says the Lord. Look to me in this hour for I love you my child. Again the enemy seeks to bring destruction, stay close to me, hear me and obey My Holy Spirit and I will keep you, says the Lord. I love you, I love you, I love you.

After reading, pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Ephesians 5:8-17

Romans 13:11-14

Proverbs 6:9

Luke 11:28

Romans 12:1

James 4:17

Ezekiel 3:16-21

2 Corinthians 6:14-18

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