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Interview: Shelbi Mullen (New Age, Jesus, Witnessing, Holy Spirit)
Shelbi Mullen trusted in Christ as her Savior around 12 years of age, but then she fell away into Atheism and eventually New Age. With the help of a friend and opponents of New Age, she found an escape route. Despite running into unclear teachers such as Ray Comfort, Isaiah Saldivar and John Ramirez, Shelbi found the truth of the gospel again at the age of 26.
Shelbi's email:
Shelbi's YouTube: @thehoopmagician2672
Michael Brown who shared clear scripture with Shelbi: @FishersWithFaithMinistriesInc
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#newage #jesus #bibleline #salvation #truth #escapingnewage #exnewage #gospel #witnessing #testimony #thehoopmagician #bible
I knew through prayer and the more I came to Calvary and actually sat in my
Bible and read God's promises to me it gave me much comfort and was like okay
trusting this yes I actually have trust and it's healed my trust issues with
people it's healed like the amount of hopelessness I felt before and I just
couldn't I couldn't be happier about this [Music]
all right I'm here with Shelby Mullen and Shelby's been coming to Calvary now for probably a little over a year you
came in one night looking for a prayer request I remember for one of your friends in California and ever since then you've been coming
and you're a member of our church now you're going to get baptized next month pretty excited but um the more I got to
know you and and got to hear your story I was just you know really impressed because you've come from a side of the
world that um I haven't had much experience with I know it's out there but you've had a lot of experience with
it and I know you you've done an excellent job as you continue to learn and grow you're leading people to Christ
and you're you have a YouTube channel where you share your story there but I wanted to make sure we got you here on
on Bible lines so that you could share with us you know where you came from how you understood where you're going when
you die and just your whole story and testament I think it's really good so I'm glad you're here today thank you so
much for having me Jesse yeah no problem so let's start from the beginning so kind of tell us what you came from and
and how you uh you know kind of rebounded from that okay so I came out of a belief system
called what would be called The New Age um the new age is a spiritual belief
system that believe the beliefs are um you believe that the universe is
God and you believe that your part in the universe that you can be a
manifester and creator of your own life that that each human individually is
their own God and they create their reality so uh the law of karma exists kind of
just like how in the Bible it's called reaping and sowing and people
since they believe that they're God they don't think they need a God they don't think they need to be saved because
everything they're doing is accountable to themselves so in the new age you can
believe in all the religions uh take something good out of all of them so I
studied a lot of Buddhism and Hinduism I did a long meditations
that I've learned from these gurus and I would also follow
spiritual leaders nowadays like Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now and
I think there was oh there was a lot of other ones too yeah I can't remember their names right
now but there's a lot of people out there they're pushing this stuff preaching the
the new the new Earth like Eckhart Tolle made a book on the new Earth and it's
basically talking about like a new Utopia where everyone is conscious of
themselves and and sharing the love and light and I also
believed in reincarnation so when when I die I believe that my soul would um
go back into the universal pool called The Ether and then when I'm ready I can
go back down to earth in a new body as a different human whether that be male and female
um because I used to get um visions of my past lives which would then further
strengthen my beliefs of reincarnation yeah so it's kind of like picking and
choosing like all the things that meet the individual's needs right would you
say with new age yes so we pick the good
out of all the religions so I I've studied a bit of almost every religion
um more so though like I didn't really get into the Christian ones like Jehovah or
Mormon or Christianity yeah you know because I was being told that the idea
of Christ was something called Christ Consciousness so it's like being conscious of the
the higher levels of your Consciousness which would be the peace The Joy the
thing we're all striving for like staying on that frequency like like don't feel bad or sad like it was just
pushing like you got to be love and light all the time you know you gotta push to be like Christ you got to be
just like Christ you know for you too succeed and reap a better life and
especially in your next life so I thought since I'm learning all this stuff in this life I thought wow I must
have been doing a lot of work in my past lives to make it to this where I am now because I felt like so blessed and my
life was going so well yeah in this and I just kept learning more and more secrets and Forbidden Knowledge and
things that I felt were giving me actual superpowers like I could meditate
for hours I could like drain my mind and not think about anything I was able to do breath work techniques
where I could hold my breath up to five minutes oh my goodness and um yeah and that I learned from Wim Hof the
Wim Hof method I actually looked into him after I got saved and realized that he he also believes that like everyone
is their own God and that that doesn't surprise me because of the things he's he's accomplished you know
um it's inspiring but now I see those things as wow God gave us this amazing
body that we could do amazing things with to glorify him but it's not because we're Gods it's because God created us
yeah in his Perfect Image and he he gave us all the strength that we need and
it's crazy because it's just a little twist like using this body that God has
given to us as you've as you've rightly said um and we see super athletes and all
sorts of stuff like people do things that the normal person couldn't do just because of a lack of self-discipline but
it's so interesting how the devil just twists one thing yeah and instead of giving the praise honor and glory to God
and recognizing that while We Are Spiritual Beings were born separated from God right instead of that being the
focus the focus is no no you can be your own God I I just I know
you and I have talked off camera about this kind of stuff and I always think it's interesting when you share that
part of your testimony about how you learned and you know from people who were teaching you are a God you know we
are all little gods and stuff that is exactly what Satan said in the garden like you will be as God knowing good and
evil and just to know what Satan did thousands of years ago in
the Garden of Eden he has not changed like and it's still deceiving people I
mean I know that you um that were were caught up in this from a young age but it you know it kept like
moving forward um but it's still deceiving people even with people that you know you know like
friends and that you're working on and you're praying and you're sharing the gospel with them they're still deceived in this kind of
idea I think a lot of people look at Christianity especially from a new age
perspective and they say yeah it's good but we're not going to get all into that and it's the only one that people have
an issue with in new age because that's where the truth is Right Christianity
yeah Christianity is the one that tells them hey what you're doing although it sounds good looks good feels
good there's only one way to get back to God there's only there's only one way in
which man can be in a proper accepted uh condition the Bible calls it Justified and that's through the blood of Jesus
Christ but that's the last thing that the new age person will and they'll actually be dissuaded against that I
remember when we were talking one time and you were talking about how like there's these witch doctors and spirit doctors and
stuff like that on social media and all that kind of stuff and oh yeah I've worked with one before yeah and it's
just it just kind of blows my mind that there's there's one down the road from here like do you remember you were
talking about that oh yeah yeah there's some spiritual Place using the name of Jesus using all this stuff and
uh not anywhere near the truth but luring people in with this idea of a
higher plane of thinking this which we would call New Age ideas and it just constantly blows my mind yeah they were
they were doing exorcisms they were they were saying that Christians can be possessed too
um even if you have the Holy Spirit in you which we know that that's not true that's right and the Bible says so so we
are bought with a price therefore glorify God with your body which are his so so when you were you know coming into
this kind of teaching like how how far did it go and when did you recognize
the truth so to speak um so I got into believing in the The
New Age stuff over time I believe um around the time I was 23 was when I
really truly my mind shifted and and I saw some things that made me think like
oh like there's got to be something more out there because uh for most of my life
I was atheists so I never really thought about spiritual things or cared until it was revealed to me and I would start to
see things and hear things and get visions and so I dove into new age when I was 23 and then up until about 26
years old and that was when I realized when I was going through
a rough time I was going through a big heartbreak in my life and I just felt like I was at rock bottom and then you
know I just was doing all these like little rituals and ceremonies to make my life better but yet it seemed like I
kept searching but my life was only getting worse so I just feel like
Jesus just stepped in and I got this random notification on my phone from
some like some someone I don't even talk to anymore and it's funny how Instagram does this it'll notify you like so and
so made a new account and it's like I don't care about that person anymore like I haven't talked to her in ages but
yeah but I just clicked on it and was like oh she made a new account like what is she doing nowadays you know and it's
like this new account that's all about like Jesus is Lord save from The New Age and and then she had a couple of photos
ups and they were under the photo there was a hashtag that said new um ex new
Ager and so uh and I've kind of heard about this so I clicked on it and was
like oh like you know like so and so is all into Jesus now like
what is this you know so I I click on it and it just sent me down a whole
like Christian Rabbit Hole almost of like like saying everything that I was doing
in the New Age um was demonic and it's letting demons into my life that are controlling my
life and and that it's wrong and it's against God and Jesus is the way the truth and the life you know come to come
to Jesus Christ he will heal you he'll heal your pain and and I was feeling so vulnerable that I I just felt like wow
like I felt it instantly almost when I was reading these like the conviction the conviction of like oh I kind of felt
like this is wrong and it is weird and scary sometimes and I I got convicted of
my sin and I got a little bit scared too like that fear of God yeah man you know
and so I was I couldn't even sleep that night I just kept like I was like on
Instagram for hours like reading all these posts and then I was like all right I'm gonna look more into this
tomorrow and I just fell asleep went to bed and I woke up the next day feeling
overpowered by like I need to learn more about this there's something I need to
know yeah yeah so then I think you said that you
you like typed in clear church or something like that on it like didn't you search something close to that time
that led you here yeah so um I thought about it for a month and I was
watching a lot of stuff on YouTube probably from people I shouldn't have really been listening to at the time but I was searching and
um there was a lady um that was talking about like how all the new age stuff is wrong how Jesus is
the way the truth and the life so I was listening to a lot of her videos and I was like oh I I gotta find
a church you know and I was like kind of putting it off like I don't really want to do this church thing I don't know how
to do it and yeah I was nervous but I just looked up one day I was like oh okay I I know I need to do the church
thing so I looked up on Google churches near me yeah there's churches near me
and I actually had a lot of people praying that I would find a clear good church and it's funny that I'm like what
do you mean and like what do you mean by clear what does that even mean right yeah what do we mean by good church like
are there bad churches so I didn't even know right so I'm like all right so people were praying for me I look up
churches near me on Google and a couple popped up I think you guys were like the
third one down it said Calvary Community Church and I went on your website and I
saw the picture of you and I was like oh he seems genuine this seems good you know and
um and I liked how it said Community I liked how it was a small church I felt like that's something I needed because
there was a lot of like these big buildings of the other churches I was looking at and I'm like Ah that's like a
big church I kind of want something more intimate something where you know I feel like I can get some of my questions answered yeah Freedom questions yeah
just to ask absolutely so Calvary popped up I was like all right I'm gonna go there this Sunday night because you know
I would wake up late in the day and I was like okay I want to go somewhere at night because I was such such a night
owl because I'd be studying stuff about Jesus obsessively almost like constantly like just learning more
um so I come here for the first time on a Sunday at 6 pm and
it was great yeah so I remember you coming in and we we spoke and I I think
you had a friend who was struggling somebody in California and we prayed for him and then after the message I had
given the gospel and then one of our church members Michael yes and Nicole
came up to you and share a little bit about that because that always warms my heart like just seeing great yeah just
seeing people do what the Bible says and bring people to the truth so yeah I
felt really welcome at the church because after the service um Michael Brown came up to me and
he was asking me like you know what's your name where you from what are you what are you coming from and I told him like I just left the new age like like I
used to believe that I'm I was a God but I remember Jesus is the way and and he
was showing me verses in the Bible that like were confirming like yes this is real like yeah like and he he was
encouraging me to come back and and he was making sure I knew the gospel and he
and he was like the firm like it's like telling me like Jesus Christ he died for your sins and he took the payment for us
and it has nothing to do with what we do it's it's not based on our works yeah
and I kind of don't think I totally understood that I was just so excited to be there and it's
probably overwhelming it was very overwhelming and then he was explaining me the clear gospel I'm like wow that's so cool you know because I was telling
him about the all the works I was doing in the new age you know and I was trying to understand it more so
but he was there and he discipled me and and so I wanted to come back so I kept
coming back yeah getting more and and you have learned more I mean I think I think that's evident like I know
a lot of the questions we've we've done on Bible line several of them are yours which I which I think is great and
they're good questions um but what would you say if you're looking at you know what you I
know we've talked before about when you were about like 12 you understood at
least to some degree that your sin separated you from God and that Jesus paid for your sin but then you got
caught up because of peer pressure and stuff like that I know we're talking a lot of things that we haven't necessarily talked about here but
um and then when you're 23 you went through like a real deep movement into the new age and then 26 you came out of
it what um what do you think like stands out to you the most about
your journey specifically like how you spent that month
looking right you're seeking like you said you're probably listening to people that are are genuine but they're not
biblically correct but they're still like pointing in the right direction like what would you say about that time
where you were seeking and then you found the truth here like what what stands out to you the most about that
time uh what stands out to me the most would be um just how
passionate I was about learning um and how much I
identified with how true it was um about what this lady was saying in
the videos um her name's Doreen Virtue she was like a big new Ager that turned to Christ I
think she's more on the Reformed Baptist side right now though so I'm not sure
how clear she is on the gospel but um the thing she was saying about why
the new age is evil I could reflect and look back on on how me allowing these
um things in my life by doing these practices I could see how I was under a
lot of demonic oppression and not realizing it because when I was 12 years old I believe I got
saved originally my uncle introduced me to Christ my parents weren't religious
and all they didn't really mention anything much about God too often or you know they didn't know the gospel
so my uncle showed me Christ and I believe I got saved when I was 12 so
even though in high school I fell away because
you know I was in public school and around a lot of kids that weren't Believers and stuff peer pressure a lot
of peer pressure on just things like you know I was using my rational mind like
oh well if you can't see God he's not really there and you know it's it's sad you know but it all is a part of my
story so but when I got into the new age I believe since since I I had that Holy
Spirit in me since I was 12 that I was actually I saw how God was protecting me
from getting deeper into the new age because I had some opportunities that I was like gonna take but didn't and then
some things would happen to other people that I saw that weren't happening to me I'm really glad you mentioned that
because I'm remembering how we've talked about this before and that's always a
really fascinating part to me about what you've been through like there were things that were happening to
other people that would probably be classified as possession right of a demon but it wasn't happening to you
yeah that's just like and I'm wondering why I even would ask like how come this
isn't happening right now thinking about that like that that's just so amazing like I
it blows my mind it really does because the I know the word of God is true I don't need anything to necessarily
confirm that but meeting people like you and hearing your story with things like that and knowing that I mean to the best
of your knowledge when you were 12 you put your faith in Christ yeah and now you have this Holy Spirit but you didn't
grow yeah but the Holy Spirit never left you because a lot of people would say well you didn't grow you were never
saved but that's not what the Bible teaches so even exactly even even when
you were walking through this very difficult time and and dabbling in the demonic I mean the Holy Spirit still
had a seal on you it still holds true exactly and and that's amazing for me
like people in the new age when I was at these ceremonies with the witch doctor and my friends people would tell me
these things they would see like like they'd say Shelby you're like a dove or you have this lightness about you and I
just don't really understand why because I'm like well I have problems too I'm no different than you guys why do you guys keep talking talking me up and I think
it's because maybe there was something there they could tell there was like a holy spirit but
um some other people had it too like because it was just a weird place like
people some people would be getting possessed by something because they were on a plant medicine and and I was there
just watching it happen and just wondering what's going on like is this gonna happen to me but God was
protecting me through that amen yeah so since coming to Calgary like I said about a year now
how have uh things changed for you so
um wow well there's no better joy in knowing that I don't have to face this
life alone anymore and that God is by my side
um I'd say the power of prayer has helped me exponentially God has answered
a lot of my prayers and and I know especially if I pray something in his will obviously he will make that happen
and he has um like my mom getting saved and yeah
which is great um was that uh Easter this year or it
was yeah yeah I remember and uh yeah and just guiding me guiding me out
of out of uh bad things and um like cleaning up my life too I decided to
quit drinking um I also was addicted to nicotine Vapes which are really hard to quit and I
finally quit with the power of God you're like I would just pray like Lord please just
step in make me stop you know make me stop and it took a while but
um God's timing is always perfect so I knew I quit at the right time where I was finally ready and
I'm just really thankful um I've been eager to Soul win I love going out with
Louie to the malls and he trained me up to be a good Soul winner I do the wallet
demonstration and I usually use my phone but yeah yeah it's so much fun and I
just have a blast doing it yeah I love it so much um see this part to me is like what I I
mean it's all great but this is like really good because there's a lot of people who go to church
right right they don't get saved but they start following the Lord you know like they they quit their drinking and
they quit their smoking they uh start going to Bible studies they buy a Bible they're highlighting verses
they're praying and all these different things but nothing actually changes because they're not putting their faith
in Christ but they're doing all the Christian things you know they're wearing the dress to church the guys are wearing the suits and everything is like
on the outside hunky-dory but on the inside people are like there's no real impact there's no word
they still have no idea where they're going to go when they die they're still trusting in some form of Works to get
them to heaven but when you understand the truth I tell people all the time like you want to you want to produce a disciple you want to
produce somebody that can actually do things for the Lord tell them what the Bible says and that
salvation is free because and and you are a great product of that
um I don't even say like you're the product of Calvary Community Church because you're not you are a product of
the Gospel message right and the fact that within a year you've inhale it go
out take some classes at the college um you use the opportunities that you have with people who are not saved
um you bring them here I remember uh we did the Trunk or Treat thing for Halloween this year and you brought
somebody and I've never seen the guy again but he just happened to meet him where you were and brought him here the guy I either
you led him to Christ I think yeah yeah he lives in Tennessee so yeah he watches you guys all the time online now and I
think that's great like you led him to Christ you brought him to the church here we prayed for him we encouraged him
and then he goes off to Tennessee and it's like God is working through you in a way that
you he he never had before but it's because you understand the clarity of the gospel and how free it is and how
and people can hear that and people don't realize it's free they think you have to be some Goody Two-Shoes to be a
Christian it has nothing to do with that and the greatest part about that experience for me was
you know I was working at a music festival where there was a lot of new age imagery around and it was really
bothering me you know to the point where I was like I kind of just want to go home yeah because you know the truth of
it yeah and and I was having a hard time being there but then I was like no I'm just gonna stick it out and stay the
rest of the weekend and then that next day because I didn't go home I had an opportunity to lead someone to the Lord
yeah and I'm like well I'm really glad I didn't leave them you know and uh and the greatest part about that was his his
parents are both Christian and they've been praying for him for a long time they sent me a letter in the mail
telling me thank you so much yeah I didn't know them I know I could show you
the leather later it's awesome and they're just like thanking me so much like his mom was crying on the phone and
everything and they sent me like a really cute because it was around Christmas time they sent me a really cute ornament of like Jesus and it said
Bethlehem and it's like when he's born um so yeah that's great it's like
actually you like I don't want to say because some people take it the wrong way but our lives have purpose now like
when we get up in the morning we're not just kind of doing something out of habit or just going with emotions like
we have intent we have purpose right we know that God loves us that we're accepted by him that we're born into his
family that he has prepared things for us to do yeah and so we have the opportunity to do those things
um I think uh it's worth noting too you're going to be going on a missions trip with Mr Hernandez Louie right to
Brazil yeah and it's like excited I I that is amazing to me because it's like
just a year just one year where many people would be like uh well you know maybe you should go do four years of
this or four years of that or whatever but it's like yeah we have no time to waste nothing
wrong with an education that's good I support that but I think of the woman at the well right when she understood the
truth she left her responsibilities what she was there to do
and went back into the city tell me the man who told me everything I've ever done and what's interesting
about that too isn't it it's like so great that's what my favorite stories it's like man we can work now we can get
started now yeah there's no time to waste as the disciples are coming back right and they're looking for real food
and uh Jesus says I have meat to eat that you know not of and they're they're looking around like
who brought it to you you know all that kind of stuff but he says there in John 4 the fields are white already to
harvest it's like and the opportunity is there and so that's why I I think your
your story is so good because number one there are a lot of people in this now like I think new age is is
becoming one of the leading deceptions that will be used
when the Antichrist comes into Power because 100 because it's all about Miracle working yeah I actually felt
like I've healed some people in that like physically with just like like my
manifestations my thoughts like I can heal you with my thoughts and it would work and I'm like that was crazy see
this is this this to me is like why I think it's going to be used by the by why it is being used by the devil but
especially in the Antichrist movement when the rap after the Rapture happens because uh the the Devil Himself appears
as an angel of Light yes and it it tells people you are the solution like you
don't need God you don't need Jesus you don't need a payment for your sin you just have to think differently and all
that yeah to an extent like I'm not a conspiracy theorist but I think it's pretty interesting how like major
leading technology companies they kind of have this sleight of hand with their marketing and I think like you know
think different that's Apple Store Logan and the fact that apple is uh you know literally you know one bite out of the
apple and all that and and they're trying to solve all the world's problems climate change and all this stuff like
they're trying to there's like this idea that we don't need God we have all the solutions and
so when Jesus comes into the picture well that's now hostile to the New Age movement because that threatens me you
know it's no longer about me it's actually about Jesus and what he did for me but people don't see that truth and
so as we get closer to like people have a problem with how they identify they have a problem with where they fit in
and they're trying to create a category just for themselves and social media just like totally gives them the green
light for that it's going to be harder and harder and easier it's going to be harder for people to see the truth and
easier for them to reflect inwardly right and so to see someone like you come out of that and now see like
I have purpose in my life and you're doing something with this gospel message I think people need to hear that and my
life has been so much better and it took a long time and it was very difficult in
the beginning so if I could tell anyone going through this right now I feel for you I hear you it is difficult because
of all the walls that had to I needed to break down for myself like the insane
amount of pride comes in when you think interesting are this Divine goddess or
God you know whatever you think you are you know the thing you built yourself up to be just comes crashing down like a
tower and and everything you thought was real isn't so the the amount of
deception that came in was just like I felt a little mental but I knew through
prayer and the more I came to Calvary and actually sat in my Bible and read
God's promises to me it gave me much comfort and was like okay I'm trusting this yes I actually have
trust and it's healed my trust issues with people it's healed like the amount
of hopelessness I felt before and I just couldn't I couldn't be
happier about this I have everything in Christ like I you you could not make a
better uh invitation for someone to see what is really offered in the gospel right so I think that's great and
and we'll uh well if if you want we can put your email in the description of this video and um you know I'll invite
people that are watching right now like Shelby said if you're in New Age and you're struggling coming out of it
you're looking for the truth maybe you've been caught up in a workspaced method of salvation
you need to know that the only way that you're saved is not by your good works it's by trusting in Jesus Christ it's
it's not Faith necessarily it's faith in the proper content which is putting your
faith your trust in Jesus Christ that his deathbrown resurrection is what paid for your sin but if you want to reach
out to Shelby her email will be in the description send her an email I'm sure it would be an encouragement to her yes
and please at the same time you can maybe connect with somebody and get help as you you know experience these things
but I I really appreciate the time that you've taken to meet with us today and I
know God will use this I really do um and not just because we have a great editor in Trent who's going to make a
really snazzy title which is very important but I know I know that people
are seeking and God loves The Sinner he sent his son to die for them and he wants all people to be saved so if
people are seeking I believe they will find you're an example of that so thanks for taking time with us today and thanks
for watching Bible line until next time keep looking up Jesus Christ is coming soon if you enjoyed today's episode of
Bible line make sure to subscribe to the channel and share this video with a friend do you have a Bible question send
us an email questions at Bible and we'll do our best to get you an answer or you can leave
your question in the comments of this video be sure to check the links in the description for more clear Bible
teaching Bible and is in Ministry of Calgary Community church located in Tampa Florida
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