ALS - Lou Gehrig’s Disease

1 year ago

Bodily Ailments - Free Will
Wake Up Call
Quantum Leap - timeline jump
Soul contract misalignment
You create your reality
As within so with out
In this channeling, my Higher Self reminds us, that we create our reality, and to own the path that we chose. That we created the manifestations that have occurred, even if they are bodily ailments. Flip the switch on looking at these as discouraging and instead as blessings in disguise, for it is a signal to realign some thing within. ALS Lou Gehrig’s disease calls for a major life shift, one of quantum Leap size. It is to really examine and inner stand What changes need to happen. It might be obvious according to my Higher Self. But start with your belief systems – as that is the source of your thoughts, feelings, words, actions, as well as what you see within your reality. Seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.

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