The Maori & Indigenous People May Save The World- Reiner Fuellmich Reporting

1 year ago

An international team of attorneys and scientists joined with the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand. They will start legal proceedings to bring those who are responsible for the covid plandemic to justice.

The justice system of the independent Maori people from New Zealand is ideal to start these lawsuits, because they are beyond the control of the western financial establishment.

These western elitists have corrupted most of the worldwide judicial system to ensure they would never be held liable for their crimes against humanity.

The upcoming legal proceedings will set a judicial precedent for the rest of the world as the evidence that will come to light can be used in any other court.

Attorney Dr Reiner Fuellmich explains more in this interview with Stop World Control...

Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is under attack for his advocacy and exposing the Global Cabal. Germany has shut down his bank accounts and assets, and the U.S. pulled his passport to enter the the U.S. He has had to sell his ranch in CA and is in Mexico. He has lost so much fighting for us, please make a donation to his website of any amount if you are able to

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