If you Support the Sound of Freedom your supporting the Enemy !!!Wake UP

1 year ago

We hold zooms daily 5- 10 est - YOUR Zoom Room at 5 -10 PM Daily https://zoom.us/j/6945489985 or phone in 647 374 4685 meeting ID 694 548 9985

Oh dear, psyop time again! Remember Balenciaga? Yeah, so they're still going strong. People can't even get rid of the evil right in front of their faces but they think a movie made by Satanists is going to stop child trafficking by raising awareness? People don't even know how evil it is, how connected these people are and how embedded trafficking and breeding is inside their cult. And, still, most people have no idea how the controlled opposition gig happens.
How I'm helping end child trafficking is by holding strong to the truth, educating people about their health and well-being so they can lift themselves and be empowered which is the best protection from this type of evil. I'm also educating myself and others on Equity law to model for and teach people how to get out of extreme poverty which is also one of the major causes of child trafficking. I'm not watching a movie made by Satanists and thinking that's going to change the world and stop evil.
So what are you doing in your life to end human trafficking? P. S. it's not just children that are trafficked but they use that to emotionally manipulate people; can't steal loosh without pulling on heartstrings.
Outrage porn, problem-reaction-solution,
begging politicians to do something, microchipping legislated to "save the children". Did people learn nothing from the convid psyop? Create emotional stressors, enter in with the poisonous solution to further the NWO agenda.
.This is the lead ACTOR from the new movie "sound of freedom" that everyone is talking about and just like I always show you, signs and symbols rule this world and you will ALWAYS know them by their fruit! Satan owns and runs the entertainment industry! Don't think for a second that any of these people in Hollywood are on your side! They're ALL in on it! Open your eyes ladies and gentlemen. This movie is being played in theaters because they want you to watch it. Just another perfect example of controlled opposition!
#thesoundoffreedom #hollywood #magic #problemreactionsolution #revelationofthemethod #childtraffickingawareness

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