Grumpy Rants

1 year ago

Grumpy's got a bone to pick with the world. He's seeing something in today's food and water that's causing 'nowism', and he's not afraid to say it.

He's got thoughts on how people are being judged by outdated standards and the importance of guiding those who are being judged now. He's a supporter of the little guy, buying tobacco from a local store and preaching the importance of supporting small businesses. He's got stories to tell about running a small restoration company and the challenges of turning a profit. He's seen the devastation of a tornado, the destruction of local businesses, and the importance of good insurance. He's been to the local hardware store, dealt with cash-only situations, and knows the value of a sense of community. He's had his fair share of frustrations with big corporations and their customer service.

So, sit back, listen to Grumpy's rant, and remember to support your local businesses. And don't forget, 'Get off my lawn!'

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