Chinese, Korean & Japanese looks the same to AngloSaxon

1 year ago

Chinese, Korean & Japanese looks the same to AngloSaxon, you can dye your hair, do a nose job, they still know you are not one of them 中國人、韓國人、和日本人, 白人看你們是一樣,你可以染頭髮,做尖鼻子手術,白人仍然知道你不是自己人. 為什麼替美國去賣命, 自傷殘殺呢?

China's Wang Yi urges Japan, S Korea to bolster regional solidarity, oppose Cold War mentality 王毅敦促日韓加強地區團結,反對冷戰思維

China, Japan and the Republic of Korea should continue to respect one another and coexist in peace, senior diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday, calling on the three countries to bolster solidarity and oppose Cold War mentality and coercion. 王毅高級外交官週一表示,中日韓應繼續相互尊重、和平共處,呼籲三國加強團結,反對冷戰思維和脅迫.

Wang made the remarks during the opening ceremony of the 2023 International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation in Qingdao, Shandong province. 王毅是在山東省青島市舉行的2023年中日韓合作國際論壇開幕式上發表上述講話的.

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