Psalm 119 part 11 v81-88 "My soul for your salvation yearns and faints" Tune: Eventide. 11th kaph

11 months ago

Psalm 119 verses 81 to 88.
"My soul for your salvation yearns and faints"
tune: Eventide
Sing Psalms version
Falkirk Free Church
image: Lawrie Cate, Open Torah scroll
This is the eleventh section of psalm 119.
In the original Hebrew each stanza of this section begins with the letter kaph כ.

PSALM 119 (11) 10 10 10 10

81 My soul for your salvation yearns and faints;
But I have set my hope upon your word.
82 I’m weary looking for your promises;
I say, “When will you comfort me, O LORD?”

83 I’m shrivelled like a wineskin in the smoke,
Yet I do not forget all your decrees.
84 O how much longer must your servant wait?
When will you punish all my enemies?

85 The proud have hidden pitfalls in my way;
Their mind is fixed against your holy laws.
86 All your commands remain for ever sure;
LORD, help me! for they hound me without cause.

87 They almost wiped your servant from the earth,
But your commandments I did not betray.
88 Preserve my life according to your love;
The statutes of your mouth I will obey.

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