Red Dead Redemption 2 - Plotline Missions - The Fine Art Of Conversation

1 year ago

In this Mission Rains Fall asks Arthur and Charles to accompany him to a meeting with Colonel Favours. He is hopeful that finally he is ready to settle the ongoing dispute and something good might happen. But as things unfold they get worse. Colonel Favours blames Captain Monroe for treason and robbery of the medicines and asks his subordinates to arrest Captain Monroe. Arthur and Charles come to his rescue and help him escape from the army regiment.
After saving Captain Monroe they drop him to the train station and ask him to start a new life somewhere. Arthur hand Captain Monroe some money to start his new life and apologises for his career. At the station Arthur meets Sister Calderon. His cough is worsening day by day and when asked upon he tells the Sister of his illness and that he is dying. They discuss life and how everyone lives a bad life. Sister assures him that he can help people which will make him feel happy and be grateful for his life. After this short conversation with the Sister its time for her to leave. They say their goodbyes and the mission ends.

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