X22 REPORT Ep. 3109b - [DS] Pushed Down the Path of No Return, Nuclear [FF], Conductor Confirmed

11 months ago

X22 REPORT Political/GeoPolitical News Ep. 3109b - July 5, 2023

[DS] Has Been Pushed Down The Path Of No Return, Nuclear [FF], Conductor Confirmed

The [DS] are now being pushed down a path of no return, they are trapped in their own agenda. WWIII is now building and the people will be pushed to the precipice, once they reach this point they will have the will to change. Trump and the patriots are controlling it all, he is the conductor and it seems that Scavino has now confirmed this. The patriots are in control and they are exposing the tyrannical government.

All source links to the report can be found on the www.x22report.com site.

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