Jana Puglierin: The EU Can Shape The Global Order - UK Column News

1 year ago

Sources: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-5th-july-2023
- NPR (2022): Germany is building what's expected to become Europe's largest military
- European Council on Foreign Relations: Re:shape Global Europe (Project Director Jana Puglierin)
- Relevant UK Column timeline: EU Military Unification
- ECFR: The Power Atlas
“Power is now defined by control over flows of people, goods, money, and data”
- RT: Hundreds face axe from liberal Soros NGO
- BBC (2018): Hungarian foreign minister challenged on migration policy 
- Euronews: Dogs could become more ‘hostile’ to humans as the planet heats up 
- Babylon Bee (satire): Scientists Who Didn't Predict A Single Thing Accurately For Last 12 Months Confident They Know What The Weather Is Going To Be Like In 100 Years

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