Oil painting medium made from my tears of joy for my New Trump painting!

11 months ago

President Trump has been a source of happiness for many people.

So I collected my own tears of joy for 6 months while I painted a steampunk version of Trump. ALL of the tears collected were ones that had me lroll-out aughing… and ones where my heart swelled up a million times it’s own size because of people’s kindness.
They’re very special.
I love science.
I studied a little physics on my own time and came across this method of superconducting matter so that the energy from it is easily translated.

In this video I not only show a method of making an oil painting medium from thses precious tears, but also do a quick reveal of a painting that I have been working on since January 1 of this year.
I’m REAL excited to release it. Barely anyone has seen it. But I did send President Trump a birthday card with a preview.

I’ll soon be releasing another video that gets into all the detail in the painting.

Thank YOU!!

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