Bible Study With Jairus - John 21

11 months ago

Bible Study with Jairus - John 21

When God Establishes Us and Deepens our Spiritual Life, We Can Witness His Resurrection

As John wraps up his gospel in chapter 21, he acknowledges that his account of Jesus’ life is not comprehensive. He says that if he had written down every event in Jesus’ life, “I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written” (21:25).

However, as he finishes the book, he does tell two key stories: the story of Jesus’ appearance to his disciples by the seashore, and the story of Peter’s restoration. Obviously, the two stories that were included were carefully selected to serve the author's purpose. So what is the purpose of John 21? While there are many ways to approach John 21, I am going to view it through the lens of Peter’s growth and restoration.

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