9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 14 (REVISED) - Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11

1 year ago

This movie emphasizes that the Muslim people are not responsible for 9/11, and explains the fundamental design of the word ZION. Talking about 9/11 Truth and architects and engineers covering up the truth. Same different Same at high speed, there is a segment with a hollywood actor who lied about being at the trade center, and this makes one wonder how many others lied. Goes into Building 6 fallacy. George Bush says "CONSP-". Judy Wood is lying, talking about the "meteorite" that nothing can breath in the dust, including a fire. 1 million tons of steel fell to the ground. Uncle James tells you the whole story. Talking about shills saying that there were people they knew or were related to people on the planes. Elaborating on the coming DOOM. July 4th prediction in 2016 - The Statue of Liberty is the Statue of ISIS. The Fucktard Paradigm. The towers "collapsed" is a misnomer - they were blown up to KINGDOM COME.

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