Implications Iran in Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) | Professor Mohammad Marandi

1 year ago

On Tuesday July 4, 2023, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi welcomed Iran as the newest member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) at its virtual summit. That makes Iran the ninth member of the Organization. Going forward, what does this mean for Iran and the world?

University of Tehran Professor Mohammad Marandi, speaks on the historical implications of Iran joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, (SCO). He States' "Iran’s accession into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will help promote security and prosperity in Asia, and counter Western hegemony, says an Iranian political analyst." - PressTV Link to the entire article below.

Iran joining the SCO is another step in the world's move towards multipolarism. Professor Marandi discusses what it means going forward:

1. Improvement in human rights around the world.
2. Economic emancipation with the move towards multipolarism.
3. Current and future state of Western countries

Founded in June 2021, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a Eurasian political, economic, international security and defence organization. It marries with the multipolar economic cooperation created under BRICS. Its members states account for 60% of the world's population and land mass.

The main goals of the SCO are to strengthen mutual trust and good-neighborliness among member states, promote their effective cooperation in political, trade, economic, and other areas. - Indian Times


Iran’s Accession to SCO Will Boost Security, Counter Western Hegemony: Analyst
_“It is an important moment in contemporary history with all the changes taking place, the decline of the West, the multiple wars that we’re seeing and rising tensions in East Asia and of course the atrocities that we continue to see in Palestine,” Marandi said._ - PressTV

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

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