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3 stages of Andrew Tate’s cult 👇

1 year ago

3 stages of Andrew Tate’s cult 👇
Stage 2 would have probably been some more direct actions asking his followers to do stuff for him. Since he is arrested he cant ask for much with all the attention on him.
He did ask Adin Ross and others to declare loyalty, send him love letters.
This is typical behaviour of a cult leader when he is pressed by governments, he asks his friends to swear loyalty.
In the stage of the trial he is now, Andrew and his gang would have to bring letters from family and close friends to present themselves well in front of the judges.
First it would be to decide if the arrest measures were fair.
Basically Tate is boycoting his own trial so things are moving slow with the speed of the snail. The authorities are also kinda ill prepared to face with media attention.
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