Fake Unemployment Numbers?

1 year ago

Let's rant and discover the truth about unemployment numbers in the U.S. - Are they Fake? You deceide.

Every month the U.S. Dept of Labor publishes unemployment numbers in the U.S. What they never tell you is that the self employed or those that own small businesses cannot file for unemployment or that you are no longer counted as unemployed if your benefits run out or if you work part time or are a "gig" worker.

The unemployment numbers actually can and often do accumulate month after month.

When a large employer goes out of business it takes with them dozens or hundreds of other small businesses. Don't believe me? Google Gary, Indiana, or Detroit, Michigan, or other American cities that once depended on a major employer that has gone out of business and see what has happened to that city.


#Time2Rant #unemployment

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