Armageddon is great

11 months ago

Documentary exploring the prevalence of "End Times" theology in politics & the military, specifically in relation to US/Israeli Zionism & The Middle East, whereby an apocalyptic war is actually the desired outcome.

"Tony Robinson visits the United States, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Africa to uncover the realities behind the terrifying vision of the end of the world in the Book of Revelation.

According to a 2002 poll, 59% of Americans believe that the prophecies in the Book of Revelation are destined to happen. These End-Timers have powerful political friends in the White House and their opponents believe that they're actively trying to make sure that these events actually happen. In this revealing film, Robinson meets the people who believe that Israel will fight a nuclear war with the armies of Islam; that millions of believers around the world will be spirited up to heaven in the blink of an eye; that the Secretary General of the UN will turn out to be the Anti-Christ; and that the world will end after the Battle of Armageddon."

2006 UK Channel 4 documentary - "The Doomsday Code"

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