Philippians 3:10

1 year ago

While working on memorizing Philippians 3:10, I was awakened to attitudes within my heart that were not in tune with God’s. Negative attitudes towards physical pain, difficulties in life and sorrow; a pity for myself as I questioned why I must endure sufferings. Fighting depression became a losing battle.
I had often wondered how the apostle Paul could rejoice in his sufferings; how could he possibly be thankful for what he endured? This verse sheds light on that mystery: that I may know Him.
Our heart has a deeper compassion and appreciation for others when we have “walked in their shoes”. We understand the sorrow of losing a loved one, when we experience it ourselves. We have more compassion towards people dealing with chronic pain when we feel the awful sensations.
This verse talks about three ways that we can know Him, to appreciate what He went through on earth for us.
First, the power of His resurrection. It is difficult to explain the longing and heaviness of heart we carry when people we love have gone before us. Yet, amid sorrow we find great comfort and gratitude towards Jesus Christ for His gift of salvation and the hope that we will one day see them again.
Second, the fellowship of His sufferings. Experiencing suffering and physical pain helps us appreciate the tremendous suffering Christ endured on the cross. We may never truly understand the depth of physical and emotional pain, but we can comprehend more fully His heart of love for mankind as He freely surrendered to the torture.
Third, being made conformable unto his death. It is difficult to say, “Yes, I’m willing” when the cost is so high. Yet, Christ was willing to experience all the hatred and abuse out of love for us. The closer we draw nigh to God, the more we trust Him, which makes it easier for us to surrender to His will for our lives.
Now, I feel as if I have an upper hand with my battles of depression when I am in physical pain or experiencing a difficulty of life. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I try to be thankful for the opportunity to get to know Jesus better. This change of attitude brings an indescribable contentment and appreciation for Christ’s love for me.
When a parent sacrifices to give a child a gift, the enjoyment comes in not just giving the gift but experiencing the child’s appreciation. When we see them comprehend our expressions of love through our giving, our hearts overflow with joy.
As we comprehend and appreciate God’s greatest expression of love towards us through the gift of His Son and the sufferings He endured, His heart must also overflow with the same joy.

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