Confinement in Prison is Not Inhumane! | Questions from Quora Ep1

1 year ago

Dive into a unique viewpoint regarding solitary confinement and its societal impact. In this enlightening video, we question the popular narrative that suggests solitary confinement is a societal issue that needs more public awareness. We argue it's not a societal problem, and that those who deem it as torture may need to rethink their perspective. Join us in this thought-provoking discussion and let's challenge the mainstream viewpoint together. Remember, every perspective is important in a balanced society.

#SolitaryConfinement #ContrarianPerspective #SocietalImpact #ChallengingStatusQuo #PrisonSystem #Debate #CriticalThinking #prisoner #prison #prisonlife #confinement #confinementtotal #confinement2

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