Scooter(53) NorthSideParkSeawall CDNPlace (BYOAudio)(1xSpeed)(1080p)(45:49) July 4, 2023

11 months ago

Scooter(53)N.Stanley Park Seawall to Canada Place (BYOAudio) (1080p) (00:00) July 4, 2023

Today I start at the Lumberman's Arch kids water park, then take the north seawall back to the park main entrance, then on to Canada Place aka Cruise Ship terminal.

There I point out the lack of work being done at the port of Vancouver due to a labor strike into its 5th day now. If settled now, it would take 5 weeks to get back to normal. For every day on strike, add a week to get back to normal.

WTF is wrong with Govt. Either settle the strike by giving the workers what they are REASONABLY asking for, or order the port workers an essential service and back to work because that's exactly what it is, 'ESSENTIAL SERVICE'!

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