Jesus explains Rebirth and Spiritual Baptism ❤️ The new Creature out of the Spirit of Love

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30. Chapter – Luke 24:49
And I will send the Promise of My Father upon you, but you are to remain in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high!

Scripture explanations – Jesus’ exposition of several different bible passages
Written down through Jacob Lorber on the 12.02.1844

1. “And I send the promise of My Father upon you. But remain in the city until you are clothed with power from on high!”

The Lord says:
2. This verse has already evidently revealed, in its literal sense, what it carries within, and in this respect it resembles a friendly man, one who, so to speak, carries his heart upon the open palm of his hand towards his friends, which is why no one can easily misjudge him, and all may guess at first glance what this friendly man is up to.

3. As already said, it is the same case with this text. For when the Son ascends, the promise of the Father descends in fullness upon those who had awaited such promise in true hope out of love.

4. What does the ascension of the Son purport, so that thereby the promise of the Father is sent to those who wait and to the witnesses? You know what is to be understood by ‘Son’, namely the wisdom of the Father. And thus everything within every human being that belongs to wisdom corresponds to the Son. Thereto belong understanding, reason, science of all kinds and knowledge.

5. However, all that belongs to wisdom must likewise experience humiliation as well as crucifixion, as it were, in every human being. Then it must be laid to rest in a new grave within the heart, therefrom resurrected, and then, surrendering and sacrificing itself completely to the Father, be elevated and made one with the Father.

6. Once this is done, only then will the promise of the Father, which is eternal life, be manifested in the life of man. This is the act of being reborn.

7 However, the baptism with the spirit of power does not occur simoultaneously with the rebirth, just as no one should baptize a child immediately following its birth, but instead at least a few days later, as it was customary for the Jews to do, at the earliest on the eighth, tenth or twelfth day. Occasionally, however, the baptism of circumcision would occur much later; and thus the apostles and disciples are likewise told that they should stay together in the city for a while after My ascension, until the power from on high will descend upon them.

8. All men shall consider this state and not venture out until they have received the baptism of the spirit! For without it, the reborn spirit is as a weak child, as pure as an angel in every respect, but lacking the active power and free insight required!

9. You are aware that the descent of the power from on high upon the disciples and apostles took place on the tenth day after the ascension. What does this mean? It portends and testifies to the complete subjugation of the ten Mosaic laws in the liberated life of the spirit! Thus the spirit must first be freed from all fetters and bonds before it may be clothed with the garment of the Divine Power from on high.

10. Once this power has descended upon the spirit, it then becomes a wholly new creature, out of the spirit of love and all the power thereof, and only then may operate in the full power of divine love and mercy. For only by such a baptism of the Holy Spirit from on high is man freed from all bonds of death and made one with and in Christ. Then he may say: “No longer do I live, for Christ now lives within me! No longer am I my own self, for Christ Himself is the I within me!”

11. Therefore, as has been shown before, everything within man corresponding to the Son must first go the way of the Son of Man, and this irrevocably portends for one and all: “Take up your cross and follow Me, otherwise you cannot achieve the resurrection and the ascension to the Father!”

12. Once again our cause hits the nail on the head here as well: No man may attain the rebirth and the baptism of the Holy Spirit by way of the versatile education of his mind, with the assistance of well-stocked libraries and pompous university professors, but only by the humility and great love of his heart.

13. Everything he possesses that belongs to the world must be returned to it, down to the last penny, and thus the arrogant sciences of his mind as well, otherwise the chances for rebirth and the baptism of power of his spirit will be dreadfully slim.

14. Do not think that anyone may enter the kingdom of heaven straightaway, even if he has bestowed all his wealth upon the poor, all the while still thinking and saying to himself: “Lord! As merciful as I have been, may You be as merciful to me as well!” He who speaks this way is yet lacking much of the kingdom of God. He and Christ are not yet one, but evidently two, where one, in a certain way, stipulates cheap conditions to the other.

15. The poorest among you people is always I, or in plain speech: The most meager and the poorest within every man is the vitality of his heart. It must first be richly endowed if another endowment is to have any value on the outside. In other words, your heart must become fully alive out of love for Me. I Myself must make up the entirety of your love, for by this alone may you bring about truly meritorious things for eternal life, because thereby the merit will reach Me alone. However, as of yet you remain mere consumers of My love, grace and mercy.

16. For should one say: “I have done and I have given!” – he remains far from the one who says: “I have always been a lazy and useless servant!” – and thus too remains far from My kingdom. Only once he vividly confesses within himself, saying: “Lord, my God and Father! I am nothing in everything, just as all men are nothing before You, for You alone are all in all!” – that is when he is close to My kingdom, and My kingdom has come close to him.

17. May you too consider all that is said to you, then you too will achieve the ascension and the baptism with the power of My Spirit, for the promise of the Father is sent to you all the same. Amen.

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