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Swedish Reactions to Book Burning


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  • The Christian council is going to learn the hard way the lesson that you don't go to bed with a poisonous snake.

  • If someone burned both holy books at the same time it could provide an interesting test case. The prosecution would be forced into showing their blatant double standards.

  • Sweden is bent to the breaking point along with a lot of other free society’s.. You can burn anything you like from cookbooks to Qurans, Bibles etc. I think Sweden needs to go back to their Viking heritage minus the pillaging and killing and fight these assholes. Organize a weekend of book burning and do it all over the country. I personally don’t like to burn books as it’s a glimpse into the past but if they say I can’t than I will!

  • That means that in their eyes the Government/Parties and Islam are above the law That's why these "church-fathers" wage also a War on Christians, they already bowed over backwards to Islam and started to swallow their own tail to conform. Sweden, and I mean here the NATIVE swedish people, shouldn't give one inch to those that have nothing but contempt and hate for non-Muslims.

  • If churches in Sweden lack the courage to oppose Islam maybe we should restore the religion of the old norse gods like wotan, which might restore a much-needed warrior ethos back in the people.

  • It makes sense to me. It’s called surrendering.

  • Ask those same christian churches what happens to Christians in Muslim nations. They are praying it will be different in Sweden, but that is not how it works. It's a religion of submission to Satan, it's the Underverse.

  • There is a nice bend in the tines of your pitchfork.

  • Christian church is all to get your money. They won't even try to protect the Christians on other continents from being killed and churches burned to the ground. The pope is a joke, fake and a communist. We need a pope with a big sword and "love your enemy" banned. Or just people should just stop supporting churches and focus aggressively on their community safety and prosperity

  • Life? He'll be out on "good behavior" in 7. Also, if I remember correctly, one of those girls was of Turkish origin. I guess that's why he got Life, if both girls would've been native Germans there would be a psychiatric ward for a couple of years and then FREEDOM, like that perp from Wuerzburg. Eritrean Migrant Jailed for Life Over Murderous Knife Attack on Teen Girls Walking to School https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/07/04/eritrean-migrant-jailed-for-life-over-murderous-knife-attack-on-teen-girls-walking-to-school/

  • While EU moves towards digital currency that will ensure slavery for us and future generations, we get distracted by some guy burning a book from fanatical cave-men (and they are all men) from a time when slavery was normal and wars were never ending. I would ask every religious person to do this favor for humanity: Read more than one book. I can recommend George Orwells 1984 as a start. A famous quote from the book "War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength", a quote that probably will never get old, unlike certain religious books...

  • What the goatshagger means is that "Sweden should bend right over" and let him and his entire brethren have their way up your "tradesman's entrance"

  • Shalom Stephan Peace be to you. Thank you for this topic. My two cents: Its not a book that people burn, its the fearmongering garbage that is perceived through these books that is rejected. As long as people continue to follow manmade religions or perceive any scriptures or books through a carnal mind, instead of God through His simple commandment to treat another as how you would like to be treated, mankind will continue to corrupt the soul (mentality) and cause destruction and misery instead of peace.

  • One has to ask, are you burning a book to make a point, or are you burning it t incite violence. I agree if you want to burn a book by all means do so. But is it good or evil in the heart of the burner? I believe Jesus said love thy enemies. And this is my point.

  • Back in the day the invasions were much more violent. Now people come in, get everything for free, take over all institutions and make their own rules. People who lived there all their lives are supposed to give up everything. But they can't fight or move. I guess in their view we should all lay down and die a painful death. That will be the only satisfactory answer for these people.