Psalm 119 part 18 of 22 v137-144 "O LORD, you are the Righteous One" 18th: tsadhe. tune: Rimington

1 year ago

Psalm 119 verses 137 to 144
Sing Psalms version
tune: Rimington
Falkirk Free Church
image: Lawrie Cate, Open Torah scroll
This is the eighteenth section of psalm 119.
In the original Hebrew each stanza of this section begins with the letter he צ.

PSALM 119 (18) L.M.

137 O LORD, you are the Righteous One;
The statutes that you give are just.
138 You lay down laws of righteousness,
Entirely worthy of our trust.

139 My zeal consumes and wears me out,
Because my foes forget your word.
140 Your promises are tried and proved;
And I your servant love them, LORD.

141 Though I am lowly and despised,
Your precepts I do not forget.
142 Eternal is your righteousness;
True is the law that you have set.

143 Distress and trouble press me down,
But your commands are my delight.
144 Grant wisdom so that I may live;
Your statutes are for ever right.

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