GiveLife07 Computer Security

11 months ago

Modern computers are excellent tools for communication via emails,
for web browsing, paying bills, etc. The Internet is a dangerous
place! We need to take on-line security very seriously. 73 min.

0:02 - I worked for Intel & Microsoft, and in the Dot.Com boom
0:03 - I lived and worked in Tokyo, Japan for 5 years
0:04 - I've gotten 2 articles published in "2600 Magazine"
0:05 - We need computers, but they've become dangerous
0:05 - AI is coming quickly; 2 docus on Cold Fusion channel
0:06 - Smarter Every Day channel, tech-related content
0:06 - The Hak5 channel on YouTube, technical reports
0:07 - Conservatives believing the "Qanon" deception
0:09 - Liberals believing the "Ice Age" deception
0:10 - In 1994-95 the cover of Time or Newsweek showing: Ice

0:11 - Al Gore, "An Inconvenient Truth" documentary
0:12 - After 2005's Hurricanes Katrina & Rita - 11-12 years
0:12 - Liberals and conservatives are getting different news
0:13 - Ponzi, Madoff, Bankman-Fried - all had smart victims
0:14 - Improve your computer passwords; make them longer
0:16 - Examples of better on-line passwords
0:21 - Turn off the Internet at night, for security
0:22 - My Internet devices are on a separate surge protector
0:23 - Consider getting a "MikroTik" or "Fortigate" router
0:24 - Turn off the Internet when not needed

0:24 - Wi-fi is broadcasting; that is dangerous
0:25 - Ethernet cables (Cat5 or Cat6) are useful
0:26 - "2600 Magazine" is for hackers, about security flaws
0:28 - DefCon is an annual hacker convention, in Las Vegas
0:28 - Surge protectors and UPS power protection
0:30 - A laser printer should bypass the UPS; too much power
0:33 - Have someone check your computer's internal security
0:33 - For Windows 7, 10 & 11 - please check on its security
0:36 - Get an "external hard drive" for backups
0:39 - Clouds can evaporate, I prefer a local backup of data

0:39 - Your address book has a wealth of information
0:41 - Mattel IM-ME, to open garage doors if reprogrammed
0:42 - "Flipper Zero" is a new RF-type hacking tool
0:43 - We have so many vulnerabilities from hacking & locks
0:43 - Thugs could use a "Mattel IM-ME" to get into houses
0:44 -
0:45 - Consider getting a 2nd computer, just for financial
0:45 - I use "Linux Mint" for on-line access, it is safer
0:46 - My router is OFF, and on a different surge protector
0:46 - An A-B Switch, or a KVM Switch may be needed

0:47 - The (2nd) financial computer separate, isolated
0:48 - Scammers are trying to steal your money
0:48 - Put Linux on the second computer, for security
0:49 - "Free" games and music can be very expensive
0:50 - The scammer is NOT from Microsoft or Google
0:51 - They want access to your on-line bank account
0:52 - Software that lets them control your computer
0:55 - Amazon turned off a man's home, on false charges
0:56 - Is it "smart" to have a "Smart Home"?

0:57 - How to use a light switch, and opening the fridge
1:00 - Keep all financial things on a separate computer
1:00 - Learn about scammers: Mr. Jim Browning
1:01 - Learn about scammers: Scammer Payback, Pierogi
1:03 - Deleting data when a computer is up all night
1:04 - Our data is on lots of computers, like doctors
1:08 - Improve your computer passwords; make them longer
1:10 - Write down your passwords; don't type into a file
1:11 - Never use a "password saving" on-line service

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