The New Earth Quest ~ With Dr. Sam Mugzzi and Digital Tom

1 year ago

In this video we discussed some of the basic changes coming for our planet's consciousness. How we are evolving into a higher thinking planetary system. The system we are creating, is already in existence with the Global systems we are joining. Thus, it is the HU learning how to live in a free society with responsible and mindful spiritually. We have been out of balance. Now is the time to re-establish the equilibrium of universal energies with famine energy. Plus, all diseases are created with a lack of nutrition. Your body cannot be poisoned unless you eat chemicals, heavy metals, and parasites. Your body should naturally thwart any threats if you are eating right for your body's health.
If you know of someone who took the CV jab, please send this video. You could help to save a life. God Bless and may your days be brighter.

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