"Mexican-American Nazi!!!" 4 minutes of liberal meltdowns!

11 months ago

"Mexican-American Nazi!" While the term may be comical for some, the truth is that the cheap throwing around of this term by a particular community tells us almost everything we need to know about them. A deep dive into a history book alone is not required to fully grasp the weightiness of this term (although it would undoubtedly educate these individuals to a degree they had never experienced). Calling someone a Nazi solely because you disagree with them is the ultimate demonstration of the lack of integrity, decency, and knowledge of history that we, unfortunately, see daily in our country. Imagine telling a genuine victim of Nazi rule that someone who disagreed with you is also a Nazi in today's modern America. Imagine their reaction alone. Most of us know this and refuse to toss around a term that has forever shaped human history. Moving forward, it is a genuine hope that we, as citizens, will reach the point where there is an appreciation for freedom, justice, and opportunity. Moreso, we realize how fortunate we are to be a part of the country that defeated this evil force. Multitudes of lives were lost for this cause just to have fools abusing this term. As America was that hope to defeat this evil 80 years ago, America once again is that last beacon of light. We must defend her tradition, values, and culture that yielded the greatest nation in history. Fight for this country. It's worth it.

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