Door Kickers 2 - Ambushed - 3 Stars

1 year ago

3 Star Completion for Door Kickers 2. This is a tough mission and thought some folks might want a successful run to reference should they need it.

Note that this mission depends on RNG a bit. I try to use a smoke to block my guys on the lower right while moving them up behind the truck for cover, the upper 2 guys have to drop the machine gun before it takes them out while the lower left 2 need to run support. This set up will work, but you may need a few retries for the rng to throw you a bone and not off several of your squad members. Hang tough and you'll get it. Once you survive the initial exchange with all members, carefully perform cleanup using grenades and the militia leader's grenade launcher. Be careful approaching the upper right gun nest as if you don't suppress it before doing so it will mow you down and you won't get 3 stars. You got this soldier, slow is smooth, smooth is fast.

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