Humble Small Town Fireworks, Happy 4th

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Mom and I are sitting and relaxing, waiting for a small town fireworks display to start. Dad wasn't able to join. It's not the biggest show in the world, but it's usually good by small town standards. I'll have a small set of copyright free patriotic music playing the whole time. No idea if my phone camera will adapt to the lighting and focus. If it doesn't do well, pardon the blur. At least there will be a few pretty lights. Happy 4th of July, Independence Day! Value your freedom, as it was hard won by the bravery of heroes and granted by the grace of God. True freedom is a heart set free by the work of Jesus Christ and His Spirit. Seek His kind of true freedom while it may yet be found. 1 Corinthians 7:21-24. Galatians 5. John 8:34-36.

This is a replay of a full-length, unedited live stream.

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