July 4, 2023

1 year ago

Listen to what is being said here.
These men and woman are making a distinction between terms in their "legalese" language, to profit from utilizing Our babies as their commodities, in their courts.
Think about that.
There hasn't been a judge in America since 1789, though these BAR associates all sign their name as such, and use their Municipal citizens/"Police" to enforce their orders!
Administrators are clerks of the court for supierior reviewing purposes only, Administrators don't write Orders!
This is Treason by the BAR!
The BAR is overseen by the Holy See as it is the Headquarters for all Administrative Offices, Hearings, Reviews act...
These are BAR Associates arguing over Our children!
Does anybody else see a major fucking problem with this?
I've seen enough!
My only question is why is the DOJ not arresting those it receives bonafide criminal complaints about?
Each one of those CP$ workers who perjured themselves should be receiving 25 years to life for their perjurious acts of false claims and false documentation which is fraud upon the court, and these same courts are protecting them!
It's All a Fraud Sham system!
All of it!

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