Andrew Bridgen speaks at the EU parliament for the rejection of the WHO's tyrannical Pandemic Treaty and ‘health’ regulations

11 months ago

WHO Pandemic Treaty In FINAL Stages, Would Unleash GLOBAL Medical DICTATORSHIP!

Mike Adams Must See Video, Nov 22, 2022. – "Through biological terrorism, governments of the world subject their own civilian populations to Nuremberg-level crimes."

– WHO pandemic treaty would supersede all US law and the Constitution
– Would put European bureaucrats in charge of ALL U.S. public health decisions
– US citizens could be ordered to take vaccines, be locked down, or quarantined
– Treaty pushes Big Pharma drugs and vaccines but says NOTHING about nutrition or herbs
– Governments of the world are running the bioterrorism against their own citizens
– Dr. Francis Boyle warns of DoD-run bioweapons labs creating more pathogens
– Global depopulation is the goal
– “Vaccines” are also depopulation bioweapons, designed to maim and kill
– Dr. Boyle warns of “Nuremberg-level crimes against civilians”
– Gross violations of basic human rights

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