What Breed of Rooster is Smokey?

11 months ago

Just in case you'd rather read than listen to my pre-coffee ramblings, here is the brief origin story of Smokey the Roo.
Before the flock expansion, we had One Black Americauna (I will spell this wrong several times) Rooster, One Black Americauna hen, and 3 Blue Laced Red Wyondotte Hens.
The Black hen lays blue eggs, the Reds lay brown eggs.
In February 2023 we incubated and hatched 3 blue eggs and 5 brown eggs, Smokey emerged from a Blue egg.
All the other chicks came out Black, apparently being the dominant gene, Smokey came out Grey.
After a few minutes of googling, I found out that some Black Americaunas have recessive Lavender genes, which was apparently the case with Smokey's mom and dad.
Smokey's dad, who was a real asshole, has been rehomed and is no longer part of the flock.
In the spring I'll be hatching another batch of chicks. As the current flock should have a mix of recessive Red and Lavender genes, we should see an interesting mix of color mutations in the second generation.
Five of the 8 new chickens are commonly called Easter Eggers which is the generic name for any Ameicauna cross breed, due to the fact they will lay blue or green eggs. I am unable to tell which eggs any of the other chickens came from, because they all looked nearly identical for the first several weeks of their lives. Smokey obviously stood out in the crowd.

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