Arnold, The Afterlife, and Muscular Christianity

1 year ago

In this video I discuss Arnold Schwarzenegger and his denial of the Afterlife, the Resurrection and his atheistic position of calling heaven a fantasy. I also discuss how those who practice Muscular Christianity differ from Arnold. Please Note: ( I said in error in the video that The Good Thief Dismas was the first entrant into heaven. This is not correct as there are examples of assumptions of Enoch and Elijah and possibly others that is up for theological debate. It is even up for debate if Dismas was technically the first after death or if he went to Abraham's bosom and was then released into heaven with the other just souls. We know however Christ promised to be with him in paradise. Since we don't know how time works outside of our realm I cannot make any declaration on this. Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”  Jesus replied, “Amen, I say to you, Today you will be with me in Paradise”.  Luke 23: 39-43 

St. Thomas Aquinas comments that, “The words of the Lord must therefore be understood not of an earthly paradise, but of that spiritual paradise in which all may be, who are in the enjoyment of the Divine glory.  So one could say, the thief went up with Christ to heaven that he might be with Christ.  St. Augustine of Hippo wondered if the good thief might not have been baptized at some point.  According to tradition, the Good Thief was crucified to Jesus’ right hand and the other thief was crucified to his left.  For this reason, depictions of the crucifixion often show Jesus’ head inclined to his right, showing the acceptance of the Good Thief.  "

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