"Bot": The Age of Wars Has Begun. Everyone Will Go to War | DUBBED

11 months ago

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We are starting a series of interviews with unit commanders of the Third Separate Assault Brigade. Today we are talking with mate "Bot", the commander of the 1st mechanized battalion of the 3rd SABr. He went to the war as a volunteer in August 2014. He started as an infantryman. He fought in Pisky, Shyrokyne. With the beginning of the full-scale war, he joined the ranks of our unit.

In the interview, he talks about his own worldview, how he maintains discipline in his battalion, and the qualities that an ideal fighter should possess. He does not condemn men of draft age who did not go to fight. However, he believes that they are mistaken, thinking that they will skip it.

"I don't have any feeling of contempt or hatred for them, really. There is a slight feeling of pity. Because they live in illusions. Everyone will go to the army. For the most part. Who out of those people knew in 2014 that they will be mobilized in 2022? They thought: "There is someone else to fight in the ATO instead of me." And if they are deceiving themselves, then they are making it worse for themselves. Better let them start preparing and training already, and looking for a unit to join and serve to the best of their ability to be of maximum efficiency, because otherwise they will be drafted into the ordinary infantry and then they are screwed," – he states.

According to him, the April battles in Bakhmut were the most difficult this year due to the prevailing artillery of the enemy. The battalion commander explains that under constant shelling, it is most difficult to organize logistics: transportation of the personnel and ammunition, and evacuation of the wounded.

"My infantrymen went on assaults three times. The problem is that we do not have enough technical means. But this is not a problem exclusively in Bakhmut, but in general of this war. Because we are at war with russia, like it or not. It takes a lot of ammunition to simply suppress their artillery and then their infantry will be left alone against our infantry," – he says.

The commander of the 1st mechbat considers the armed forces of the USA and Israel to be the most effective armies in the world today.

"Concerning Israel, they are almost the only military in the world that has units, roughly speaking, the assault engineers who go in and sweep everything in front of the enemy's positions - mines, barricades. And the assault units themselves then follow the cleared path. We do not have such units. There are no such units almost anywhere else. The US has something similar too. Concerning the USA, their soldiers have everything they need to complete the task. They have as much ammunition as they need to get the job done. They have as much intel as they need. They are dressed and shod in the best gear on planet Earth. Armed with the best weapons. We have to achieve such level of the military," – he believes.

About women in the unit, how religion helps in war, and how the commander of the 1st mechbat of the 3rd SABr sees our victory – watch in this video.

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The battle on GoPro: how the Third Assault Brigade defeated the russian 72nd brigade near Bakhmut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M74HD_hI45A&t=0s
Face to face with the enemy: trench battles of the 3rd SABr for the "road of life" to Bakhmut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LulaA-U7-M&t=0s
"In Bakhmut Storms": Unique footage of the Bakhmut battles and frontline stories shown and told by the 3rd SABr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZnAnSk6bz4&t=0s
The offensive of the 3rd Assault Brigade or How the russian 72nd brigade fled from Bakhmut area | TEASER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHBkNJJgMwI&t=0s
Life in the trenches, nudes, and dark military humor - at the positions of the 3rd SABr near Bakhmut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_UtubFlbB8&t=0s

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Source: @ab3army https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEktHtWUiag
Date: 2023-06-16
Dubbing: @AlmightyAI

This is a verbatim translation/copy of the original video and metadata.

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