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  • 0/2000
  • Chlorinedyoxide cures Malaria .💙☦️💚

  • I think there is plenty of evidence that we are operating under the Continuity of Government. Our President Trump is a genius. He is allowing everything that is happening to him to happen. It sets a precident (sp) to turn the tables on the "Swamp Rats"! Derek Johnson @Rattletrap1776 on Rumble has the information about this and the Laws of War. I believe Mr.Trump is the Commander in Chief and the Military is on our team. I also believe GOD is in control and it will happen in His time. God bless us all.

  • Bill and Mel wete lynched in zinnia a few years ago-so who is keeping the ball rolling? I’m not believing the mosquito story-it was a plan, but only a scare story now. Remember White Hats in control. No more BAD-only scare stories to wake up sleepers.

  • The KM Mafia/NaziWO just armed their migrant army in France a few days ago. They burned a Historical Library, w/ irreplacable documents/books/art. Grenade launchers, AK47's & handguns just 'appeared'. Appears the Luciferian KM want to RESTART by destroying civilization... AGAIN.

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  • All this was pushed after they where able to pass the Blood Brain Barrier.

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  • The other problem is when we step outside we are not seeing people dying or all these Nero damaged people. The cemeteries are not full. You do not see recessions everywhere. I don’t see people with any kind of mental disorder walking around. All we see is Internet stories, but we don’t see it in real life.  So are certain states being hit harder than others?

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  •  This has now been spoken about for three years and we are still not seeing the results on the Internet when we step outside in the real world, so why are we not seeing this in real life? Why is it just on the Internet?

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  • Did not know about M Cherry! Watching from Sydney Australia-feeling overwhelmed by layer upon layer of evil being revealed-I have been “awake” since the beginning of the “scamdemic” and although I have fought everything from masks, QR codes, “fake vaccines”-all the lies-I am suffering extreme anxiety and depression and severe difficulty digesting food-resulting in chronic fatigue. Barely surviving despite my belief that God has won the final battle-I keep asking him, how do we survive, have hope and any joy in the meantime? So many friends and family constantly sick around me, death rate increasing towards 20% and not many people are connecting dots ie “covid vaccine” injuries, fallout! Dutch Sheets is so on point and encouraging!

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