Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower for Free Wireless Power Demolished July 4th 1917 (

11 months ago

Nikola Tesla Missing Inventions by Chris Edwards of Tesla Leaks: 1) The Computer 2) Digital Computing 3) Continuous-Wave Radio & Radar 4) Remote Control & Logic Gates 5) Secure Communications & GPS 6) RF & Electric Amplifiers 7) Megneto & Tesla Coil Speakers 8) Infrared, Visible Light & UV Solar Cells 9) Long Distance Wireless Power Method/s 10) Doppler Effect & Tracking Storms 11) Underwater Communications and Tracking Subs & Ships 12) Where is the Free Energy? by Vinyasi 13) Featuring Phenomena: Resonant Rise, Reluctance Engines, Surface Waves, Standing Waves, Skywave, Negative Resistance, Reactive Currents, Feedback Oscillators and much more... Debunking Einstein, Hertz, Maxwell, Ohm, the Scientific Community & The Patent Office Full Blog Post With Images & Sources:

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