WOULD YOU DO THIS?!!! This really happened!!! (Not to me) details in description

2 years ago

Did you hear about the wedding photographer who was paid $250 to photograph a friend’s wedding (having his guest status be revoked) and when it was time to eat the groom told the photographer that he wasn’t allowed to eat and to keep taking pictures. The photographer “lost his mind”, quit on the spot and deleted the entire days worth of wedding photos before walking out. 😱

So tell me, what do you think? Do you think you are entitled to a meal if you’re working a wedding?
For me, I think it’s courteous to provide one, but I also think it’s wise ONLY if we’re being seated in the same room as the rest of the reception, or very nearby, and fed at the same time as the couple. Any other timing or place risks us missing parts of the reception that we should be photographing. If I know one of those things won’t come to alignment, I very discreetly just order GrubHub for my staff and myself and have it delivered (again, discreetly so no one else sees) a little bit before I know the couple is going to eat. It’s a win win, especially since (and I love you caterers) then I’m not limited to traditional wedding food a million times a year or the granola bars I can pack in my camera bag (so not healthy anyway). ❤️

What are you thoughts on wedding food?

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