VAEP Key Concepts video 18: Indoor vaping - HCSubs

1 year ago

Unlike in the late 1800’s when cigarettes were invented, technology today can analyze the contents of aerosols. (1) For more than 50 years, scientists have studied thousands of substances that can be found in aerosols and how they affect the human body. Vapour from nicotine vaping has been repeatedly analyzed and it has been found to be nontoxic. It’s important to compare vapour to what it’s replacing, which is cigarette smoke. Let’s take a look at a couple of studies that analyze nicotine vapour.
The threshold limit value (TLV) is the level of concentration of substances in the air that an employee can breathe in without harmful effects working full time hours over a lifetime. So, the TLV is the highest safe concentration of a substance in the air and covers thousands of airborne substances. For this application, we will give the TLV a value of 100%.(2)
In 2014, a study reviewed all of the scientific papers that analyzed the chemistry in eliquid aerosols. From those papers, there were a total of over 9000 measurements of substances; many papers tested for the same substances. They concluded that two of the substances found in nicotine vapour were less than 5% of the TLV. The rest were less than 1% of the TLVs.(3) In other words, nicotine vapour in the air is nothing to be worried about.
In 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services conducted a report of air quality in a vape shop. In the shop the employees vaped inside and there was an indoor lounge where vapers hung out and vaped. They took air samples for over 30 hours. To quote them: “Concentrations of vaping-related chemicals in our air samples were below occupational exposure limits.” The vast majority of the measurements found nothing at all and what they did detect was miniscule compared to occupational exposure limits and threshold limit values.(4)
In 2018, Public Health England put it this way, “…vaping is a fraction of the risk of smoking, at least 95% less harmful, and of negligible risk to bystanders."(5)
To learn more about vaping, visit
Kellie Ann is wearing our Sweetheart tee in Heather Sapphire
1. Cancer Council NSW. (2021). A brief history of smoking.

2. ScienceDirect. (2007). Green Chemistry and Engineering: Threshold Limit Value.

3. Burstyn, I. (2014). Peering through the mist: systematic review of what the chemistry of contaminants in electronic cigarettes tells us about health risks. BMC Public Health 14, 18 (2014).

4. Zwack, L., Stefaniak, A. B., & LeBouf, R. F. (2017). NIOSH health hazard evaluation report HHE 2015-0107-3279: Evaluation of chemical exposures at a vape shop.

5. Public Health England. (2018). Press release: PHE publishes independent expert e-cigarettes evidence review.,year%20and%20possibly%20many%20more
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