The Treaty of Utrecht, Bar Association, Global Warming, Pandemic and Bank Frauds - By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article Video - The Treaty of Utrecht, Bar Association, Global Warming, Pandemic and Bank Frauds By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

When we go back and search for a point source for all this burgeoning corporate crime, all roads lead back to the Treaties of Utrecht, and specifically to the British Queen Anne and the arrangement that the Utrecht Treaty series created during her reign at the start of the 1700s.

These treaty provisions ultimately led to the merger of the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, provided for the British Monarch to directly profit from all commercial activities, and made the entirety of all commercial endeavors subject to the Pope in his long-held role as Roman Pontiff and Secular Leader of the then-Holy Roman Empire, and now as the Principal subcontracting with the City of Rome Municipal Corporation apparatus.

In practical terms worked out over the last two centuries, the British Crown and their affiliates in other European countries gave a percentage of profits to the Monarch, the Monarch gave 60% of these receipts to the Pontiff, and the Pontiff administered the whole system via comptroller corporations using interlocking trust directorates and a unique bilateral legal system that allows for commerce to occur both on the sea and in the air jurisdiction.

The Office of the Pontiff and later the Institutes of the Economy became the direct recipients in the 1920's and from then on paid the British Crown their 40% of the take through an international network of banks that siphoned receipts from the clearinghouse operations and other registration, securitization, and entitlement platforms that fed physical assets into an off-ledger bank asset system and credit derived from the physical assets into a separate on-ledger converted bank asset ledger and derivative escrow account system.

The British Crown then also provided kickbacks to Canadian and British Territorials (Tories) operating in The United States.

At each step, the living man was defrauded and deprived of his assets, stripped of his rights, impersonated, coerced, and controlled.

The colluding banks that helped create and implement this complex, multi-generational fraud scheme are also criminal asset-stripping organizations by definition.

The most venerable among these banks, the Bank of England, Bank of Scotland, Bank of America all certainly knew and participated in these phony commercial "wars" for profit and profited from the asset-stripping, bookkeeping, accounting and impersonation fraud schemes at an executive level.

Later comers like Chase and JP Morgan, the foreign private banks operating "as" the Federal Reserve, and later, as the Federal Reserve System, the so-called investment bank-securities launderers like Wells Fargo and Goldman-Sachs, all knew their corner of the fraud scheme, while the European members of the Octagon Group, USB, Bank of Switzerland, Deutsche Bank and affiliates handled the escrow and derivative account overflow.

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