Article Video - Which America? Read This and Understand. Thursday, June 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - Which America? Read This and Understand. Thursday, June 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

So far, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Montana have passed legislation declaring that they are sovereign States, not subject to Federal directives.

Well, that's great so far as it goes, however, the people involved in passing this legislation are reiterating something that isn't in dispute.

What's in dispute is not a question of "what" is sovereign. It's a question of "who" is sovereign--- who in this country can exercise the sovereignty of the States? Nationally and Internationally?

Certainly not foreign Municipal Corporations and their Employees. Certainly not franchises of these foreign Municipal Corporations.

The Brits who have been substituting British Territorial State-of- State governments for us since the Civil War, went ahead and registered all of us as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, via the birth certification process. They explained nothing about this to anyone, and certainly not to their American victims.

As a result, our sovereign nation-states appear to be vacant, with millions upon millions of "Americans" milling around, nearly all of whom have been falsely registered as Brits and as adjuncts belonging to the City of Rome.

Nary a living American soul is left in any of the States, but there are some.

There are enough recorded Americans to claim the property and their inheritance belonging to the land and soil jurisdiction of this country and its people. There are enough to run their State Assemblies and their country as a whole.

Out of approximately 900 people competent to act as Fiduciaries, two of them, Anna Maria Riezinger and James Clinton Belcher, stepped forward and claimed all American property in all jurisdictions --- and as Fiduciaries of The United States of America, they claimed it all back for the living people of every State of the Union.

They served the Due Process. They published their claims. They put it on the Public Record from here to Zimbabwe.

The land and soil of this country may appear to be vacant --- except for those of us who declared our birthright political status and recorded and published it, those who summoned our State Assemblies back into Session, and those who populated those State Assemblies. We're still here, claiming our sovereignty, our land and our soil and everything that goes with it.

Without a population and a State Assembly to govern them, the States lose their standing and are considered abandoned property.

The remaining "unknown" people living in these vacant states are considered "stateless" and are claimed by whatever government cares to claim them.

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